Pesty Paws

Playing tug of war with Louis is always a test of strength and endurance but you can psych him out with mind/paw games. Louis does not like it if you cover his paws whilst you are playing. He either has a hissy fit or drops the toy; sometimes both. Here’s Sue’s mum showing this tactic … Read more

The Steaks Are High

Louis continues to be totally food focussed but there are occasions when I can’t blame him. The weather has warmed up at last and what felt like permafrost has thawed. So it was time for a barbecue. Sue got some steaks ready and Louis wanted to help. Here he is:- He got his fair share; … Read more

Tug Of War

Louis absolutely loves playing tug-of-war with his Kong toy. We bought two new ones a few weeks back and he’s already destroyed one. These toys used to last ages but maybe the manufacturers have “cost reduced” them recently. Here’s Louis on one end of the tug toy with Sue holding her own against the onslaught. … Read more