Saijo calling

It has been a hectic few days at the head office and I have only just got access to a pc. The guys here have been looking after us well and we have had a few good nights out. Consequently I think my diet is bust and I am in danger of needing a bigger … Read more

Missing dad already.

Well Andy, I ate enough for both of us at mum’s. A chocolate cheese cake has been frozen just for you and I’m sure mum wants you round as soon as possible. Your hound went past me when I came home to see if you were there; he didn’t fancy a walk and moped off … Read more

Can’t do enough for a good company…

It’s Easter Sunday, glorious weather for a holiday change and what am I doing? Folding shirts and packing my case as I’m off to Japan for our yearly design review meetings and a week of my feet dangling over the end of the bed. It’s a relatively late flight out from Manchester; around 3pm and … Read more

On top of the world…

I let Suzy have a lie-in this morning and took Boy Wonder Hound out at 6am for a boy’s walk down the valley. Once Suzy had risen we set off for another walk in Lyme Park as it was such a glorious morning. You could tell that Louis was perplexed with two walks so close … Read more