Summer is upon us and getting Louis unglued off the sofa is proving difficult. He still has his puppy-like moments but they are on his terms and to his timetable.
He’s learning to live alongside the four chickens that now reside in the back garden but it’s an uneasy truce. He sneaked out of the back door one day and decided the chickens needed herding into one spot. This went well until two of the chickens made a break for it and tried to fly past him. Clipped wings don’t lend themselves to aerodynamic efficiency and Louis’ instinct to chase and catch was unleashed. Fortunately for the chickens their noise had alerted us to a problem and we calmed everyone down.

Louis is 8 1/2 years old now and possesses a grey beard and eyebrows that give him a distinguished look – see the piccie above. If he could talk I wonder if he’d ask if there was a canine version of Grecian 2000.
He’s a very handsome old boy! I’ve just inherited a 10 year old ridgeback to go along with the two younger ones… he’s a great old dog. Haven’t posted on the blog for a while but will include him in the next one. Whenever that may appear! Love Louis’ new collar. 😉
Well hello Heather – we had noticed that things were quiet on your blog as we call by regularly. We hope all is okay.
Look forward to seeing a picture of your new elder statesman with the youngsters.