Whoops. During the work on the house the original bath has survived all the upheaval and I’ve used it daily whilst Sue has sneaked off to her mum’s for a shower.
However the time has come to get started on fitting the new bathroom; the builders finished on Tuesday (thank you Stuart and Nathan) and I’ve no excuse for not working.
Anyway – with the change in the bathroom layout it soon became apparent that the cast iron bath was not going to leave in the same dignified manner that it was originally installed. We’ve re-positioned the door to the bathroom and it was not possible to manouevre the bath out. I had hoped to sell it it as it was a beauty of a bath (apart from the yellow colour).
So – with a deadline to get the new bath in and operational – a decision had to be made.
Here’s the bath after adjustment to allow it to be removed:-

There’s a few dints in the new plaster due to the shrapnel that came flying off during the bath “adjustment”.