Winter has arrived with a vengeance to make its point that it’s not a good time of the year to do a major building project. We’ve had temperatures down around the -8°C mark and this coincided with the opening of the staircase access to the loft. We now have a 4m² heat syphon aperture that keeps a lot of the house at around the same temperature as the outside world. Coupled with that a significant portion of the outer walls at the back of the house are now just a single brick thick (until the extension is complete) so we’re frozen.
Progress is good – the stairs went in this week:-

To allow the stairs to go in the bath has been turned through 90° and I’ve plumbed the old shower in temporarily. Sue refuses to shower here and goes to her mum’s instead. I’m made of sterner stuff but it is absolutely freezing so you don’t hang around in the shower for too long!
All the way through this disruption (which we are really enjoying) Louis refuses to alter his daiy routine of walk-drink of milk-snooze-play-snooze-dinner-snooze-play-walk-snooze-I’m home from work play-walk-snooze-last whizz of the day-sleep-check on me at 3am-snooze and repeat.
Here he is in one of his many snooze phases:-

Weather permitting next week should see the opening up of the roof to allow the kitchen extension roof to go in along with some big lengths of support steelwork.