Pie Pinching Pooch

As you can iamgine we’ve been busy in the new home; that’s why there’s not been so many posts recently. We’ve got a lot of jobs done; new fence at the back and gates at the side to keep Louis in, trees chopped down, alarm fitted etc etc. Now that Louis is penned in we … Read more

Settling In

Well, we’ve been in the new house a week now and it already feels like home. Sue and I have both been very busy although my jobs are much more important than Sue’s. Louis has met and charmed all the neighbours with his good looks and endearing behaviour. The first night we stayed here we … Read more

Home Sweet Home

Well we got the keys to the new home on Thursday and are busy shifting stuff in at the moment. Louis is settling in well and has set up a patrol route in the back garden. He’s bemused by all the comings and goings. One of the first jobs we have to do is raise … Read more