We’ve enjoyed a beautiful warm weekend; it’s been quite hot (for us in the UK) and Louis has helped us as we’ve been working in the back garden. All this effort wore the poor lad out and he had to take an emergency nap.

If there was any doubt about who Louis is devoted to then you can see from this next photo that Suzy is the chosen one. Suzy went off to pick her ma up and bring her back for Sunday dinner with us and this is the position that Louis took up…

Last but not least we must ask Louis to take a bow. His escapades have convinced Ari the Rhodesian Ridgeback’s two-legged companions Elena and Eugene to start a blog. Take a look at Ari’s Website. The videos are really good; especially the snowy ones – I thought we had it bad each year with our odd days of snow but watching Ari and his four-paw drive system running around makes me think we’re positively tropical.