Scooby Doo – Where Are You?

We’re having trouble taking action shots of Louis at the moment as he hit his sixth birthday a few weeks back. If you look on the web most sites equate this as somewhere between 45 and 50 in human terms. That might explain his reluctance to get off the sofa in the morning so I leave the house for work with Louis barely opening one eye.

However Sharon & Darren’s Codee is still very much a young adolescent and the outside world beyond the window needs constant surveillance. So here’s Codee window watching whilst she waits for a member of her pack to get back into the den.

Codee window watching
Codee window watching

I’m being a little unfair on Louis as, by the time I arrive home after work, I am greeted by a dog whose back end is practically lifting off the ground due to the speed of tail wagging taking place. Usually I make him sit whilst I say hello and we end up with a highly polished semicircle on the floor.

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