We went on the first camping expedition for 2010 over the weekend; Longnor Woods just south of Buxton. Three nights from Friday.
Great weather on the Friday and Saturday but we had mixed weather on the Sunday and got soaked on the way back from the village.
The campsite was great; very quiet. The only noise was a whistling gate post that sounded like a flute all the time until another camper blocked the whistling hole with bog paper.
This was the first tryout of the new tent and it was great – just right for a long weekend and easy to set up and take down. We have to trim what we take a little bit more so that I can see out of the rear view mirror.
As usual Sue & Louis kept the other campers awake with their snoring and I used our limited catering facilities to produce some delicious meals.

We met around 20 lady hikers on the Saturday afternoon whilst we were enjoying a few beers at a pub in Longnor. Louis played to the crowd; he’s definitely a ladies’ dog. He mooched through all their rucksacks looking for unwanted butties and won their affection. I’m not so sure I would have been met with such kindness if I’d tried to nick their butties.
We’ve uploaded a few pics from the weekend here:-
It’s back to work tomorrow….that’s pants.