Well, the kitchen is finished at last. There’s a few bits and pieces left but the job, as far as I’m concerned, is done. It was a harder job than I anticipated but the end result is worth the effort.
Here’s a few pictures of the finished kitchen:-

I’d like to thank my two part-time helpers for their minimilistic assistance!! (Although the catering standards have improved since the new kitchen came on-line so I can’t complain).
Very impressive! i see the pics have gone from the fridge!
Don’t worry – that pic of me and all the blondes will be restored; I’m thinking of pride of place in the lounge.
We are in the process of renovating the kitchen of an old farmhouse now. We had planned on working with what we had until… but found mold in the ceiling and so the project was moved up. I think putting the stove in front of our window would solve a lot of flow problems in our kitchen and I am pleased to find a photo! Thanks.