Non-stop in the kitchen. It’s now ordered and (despite a last minute hiccup today with a layout change) should be with us 11th August. We chose Magnet in the end, very good sales guy plus over half price off sale!
The old wallpaper was an absolute pain to get off but it’s all done now. Lots of re-plastering and levelling the sill heights for the two windows (2cm difference – thank you to whoever did the kitchen extension donkey’s years ago!).
Here’s a pic of the wall with the tiles off; with a bit of patching already done as the tiles took off quite a bit of plaster.

And this is after I’d re-plastered the tile-damaged walls. It doesn’t look too bad in the photo and it’s okay for the job in hand:- re-tiling and hanging cupboards etc but I do wish I could plaster like the professionals. The two walls took me a full day – I think it would have actually taken just a couple of hours of work for someone who knows what they are doing.

Sanding down to finish off tomorrow followed by sugar soaping and the start of decorating proper.
With the bathroom last year this is the second major project in less than twelve months!
Sue’s been a huge help by making sure that Louis snoozes through all the work, she leads by example!