Plumb Tired Out

The bathroom is almost finished. Just a few bits of trim here and there. Everything seems to be working and I’ve enjoyed a relaxing bath and christened the throne. I fitted the shower screen last night so, after tonight’s job of fitting three mirrored cabinets, I took a shower. Really powerful and very good so I’m pleased about that.

I hope the plumbing doesn’t leak or the thermostatic valve fail as it’s basically a bathroom out job to get to the relevant parts.

Here’s a pic of the finished bath and shower and it should contrast well with the earlier blog showing the room a week or so ago.

The finished article
The finished article

The good news is that Sue can move her gear back into the bathroom now and I get my throne room back. I’m back to my room just having soap, toothpaste, anti-smell, shampoo and bog roll in it rather than dozens of perfumes, ointments, creams, lotions and some such stuff.

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