I let Suzy have a lie-in this morning and took Boy Wonder Hound out at 6am for a boy’s walk down the valley.
Once Suzy had risen we set off for another walk in Lyme Park as it was such a glorious morning. You could tell that Louis was perplexed with two walks so close together and rather fancied getting his head down for some serious kipping but he soon changed his mind once he got there and was busy sniffing anything and everything.

I’m allowed to put this photo of Louis and I on the blog. I took quite a few pictures of Sue and Louis but they didn’t meet with Sue’s approval so she won’t let me post them.
The view from Lyme Park over Stockport and on to Manchester was excellent – you could see for miles and miles and miles.
The family diet is going well and we’re all losing weight. We’re trying to get Louis to around 43.5kg which suits his overall size. He must lose a kilo a day in dribble as he watches me eat my also restricted calorific intake.
It was also Stronghold day for Louis (Stronghold is flea treatment). It’s hard to believe but he knows something is going to happen as getting him in the kitchen is nigh on impossible; even with treats of chicken and cocktail sausages. We managed to dose him and then reward him with some chicken. He then had to wait to let the treatment dry before we’d let him out. That didn’t stop him from rolling around on the lawn trying to get the stuff off him when he eventually got out.
Anyway – it’s back to work tomorrow for me so I’m drowning my sorrows with a glass of wine as I type this.