We’re doing a bit more training with Louis at the moment. He did Obedience as a puppy but then moved on to Ringcraft for his showing. It’s time to get back to the obedience again. We have been practising in the back garden and getting him to do his sits, downs, waits and finishes. He’s very good even though we’ve not done much of this for quite a while. I’m sure he would do a sit-stay for five or ten minutes with no problem providing there was something worth waiting for as a reward at the end of it!

Consequently we have been out in the back garden a lot more enjoying the warmer, and occasionally, drier weather so the above is a picture of Boy Wonder Hound looking rather regal. It was taken after an impromptu training session and you can tell by the way he’s not looking at the camera that he realises there’s nothing left to eat.