Catching up on sleep…

I got back home Saturday morning after an overnight flight from Orlando. Nasty bit of clear air turbulence; thankfully brief but enough to unsettle me. I don’t like flying; two aborted landings at Fuzhou in China around 1990 were the cause of this. However, despite this fear, I have retained my innate ability to provide smooth cushioning of my glass of gin and tonic that prevents no spillage. All around me were soaked meal trays and wine-splattered passengers.

Anyway it was great to get back. Louis was very enthusiastic and woke up as soon as the taxi door opened; I must have assailed his nose with my scent. It’s a very enthusiastic greeting and I know I shouldn’t pander to it too much (be calm and aloof say all the books) but it is nigh on impossible. He has this habit of nibbling your ears very delicately – he does this only if you’ve been away for a few days. Needless to say I didn’t need a face wash!

Sue is reading a book by Bruce Fogle called “The Dog’s Mind” which she is finding very interesting. We want to try and understand what’s going on in Louis’ head and also to try and read some of his body language. There’s lots of books on the subject but Bruce Fogle is well respected plus his book was in our local library!

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