Home again…

Back from Japan after a long 24 hour door to door journey. Managed to get three seats to myself on the main leg from Tokyo to Paris so I could stretch out a bit.

I swear Louis has a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to me arriving home. Actually it’s probably his heightened sense of smell as that 24 hour journey didn’t include a bath. He was pretty pleased to see me (an understatement if ever there was one) and it’s a welcome home worth that long journey.

I tested his scenting abilities this morning as I couldn’t get out of bed in time to leave for his morning walk but I did manage to join Sue and Louis as they played on the fields. I was quite a way off from them and hidden by trees but I could just see him. He just stopped dead and sniffed the air and headed my way. I had had a shower, honest.

1 thought on “Home again…”

  1. I have just come across an obscure internet site , which reckons that ridgebacks actually came from Russia ! Apparently they were exported to Rhodesia in the time of one of the early revolutions !I think Chloe may be related to the proper Ridgebackskis!


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